Baby Audition Lewk

Today is the day for our preschool playdate that isn't actually preschool it's a 2's program that we have yet to get into. Well, let me just tell you how it went with my sweet little Miss. After racking my brain all night and morning of what kind of look she should wear I decided on a nice mix of classic baby (pale pink cozy sweater and leggings) with just a small hint of chic cool factor (a neon bow and dark knit pants with tiny matching pom poms on each ankle). The playdate/interview/auditon was all of 30 minutes. Isla also discovered bright blue playdough for the first time. She refused to put the playdough down when it was time to clean up and start the music sing along. Her actual response was to growl at me. Something I've never heard come out of her mouth. I spent most of the audition pulling Isla off of the table that she learned to climb with 4 balls of playdough in her hands while continuously growling at me. Oh. And her brand new knit pants lost BOTH pom poms on one ankle. never to be seen again. 

Anyway, I think we nailed.